Project Description
Project: Murrieta Hot Springs Resort
Address: 39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Murrieta, CA 92563
Date: January 2025
The customer contacted Daswave to perform a RF Benchmark Test as requested by the local Murrieta Fire Department. The fire department performed their annual inspection and wanted the customer to get a RF Benchmark test to determine if RF signal quality and strength were within their requirements for their radios to work inside the building.
We came to site and performed a 20 section grid test throughout the entire building testing for
The customer contacted Daswave to perform a RF Benchmark Test as requested by the local Murrieta Fire Department. The fire department performed their annual inspection and wanted the customer to get a RF Benchmark test to determine if RF signal quality and strength were within their requirements for their radios to work inside the building.
We came to site and performed a 20 section grid test throughout the entire building testing for (SINR) Signal to interference plus noise ratio, (DAQ) digital audio quality and (BER) Bit error rate.
This building was able to pass where the customer turned our report into the fire department probably saving this customer $60-$75k on designing and installing a ERCES system.
Many times some contractors test a system only to “say” it failed to earn more money on the installation portion of the project. The customer paid roughly $2,500 for this test that saved them quite a bit.
We like to earn the customers trust in them knowing the true results of their building. We showed them our testing equipment and the readings at the site so they knew how the test was going to be transparent.
This customer was very appreciative.
It is important to test your building annually not only to comply with the fire code requirements but also to know if your building is still able to receive radio signals to all areas inside the building.
Many times in congested areas another building gets built and degraded the signal the existing building was receiving causing them to fail on their annual inspection. When dealing with life safety it is vital to only state the facts and true signal readings at the site to ensure that when a critical event occurs that first responders are able to communicate inside your building and save lives!